How I Can Help
The local MP is often the last line of defence against poor treatment by Government agencies. If a Government-related issue is affecting you, your family, or your business, I may be able to help. It could be taxation, education, regulation, immigration, transportation, or any other department.
Alternatively, you may want to give me advice and feedback about how I represent you in Parliament. When I speak and vote in the House it is on your behalf, so I like to know that I’m reflecting the views of the electorate. I welcome your communication.
If you live within the electorate, I would be glad to help you with any issues you have with Government agencies or to discuss your suggestions and ideas.
How to contact me
You can email me and my Epsom constituency office team at [email protected]
You can also call my office to book an appointment, 09 522 7464.
Our office is at Level 2, 27 Gillies Ave, Newmarket.
The Epsom Electorate
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